2022 The 3rd ESSE conference was successfully held via Internet because of the COVID-19 spreading. Thanks for the support from all participants and committee members. Hope to meet you all next year in person.
Opening Remarks from Prof. Giuliani Donatella, University of Bologna, Italy. We have invited Prof. Chunming Rong, University of Stavanger, Norway; Prof. Vassilis C. Gerogiannis, University of Thessaly, Greece; and Prof. Johan Debayle, MINES Saint-Etienne, France.
Conference Proceedings
ESSE 2022 ACM proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9730-8) has been included in ACM Digital Library, indexed by Scopus and Ei Compendex.

Winners of Best Oral Presentation of Sessions
URegM: A Unified Prediction Model of Resource Consumption for Refactoring Software Smells in Open Source Cloud
Asif Imran
California State University San Marcos, USA
Keystroke Presentation Attack: Generative Adversarial Networks for replacing user behaviour
Lander Segurola Gil
Vicomtech, Spain
Endpoint-Performance-Monitoring for A Better End-User Experience
Mr. Sven Beckmann
University of Augsburg, Germany