Yannis Manolopoulos
Open University of Cyprus
Speech Title: Recommending Systems in Scholar Publishing
Yannis Manolopoulos is Professor of the Open University of Cyprus, as well as Professor Emeritus of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Moreover, he is Member of Academia Europaea, London. He has been with the University of Toronto, the University of Maryland at College Park, the University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open University. He has served as Vice-Rector of the Open University of Cyprus, President of the Board of the University of Western Macedonia in Greece and Vice-President of the Greek Computer Society. Currently, he is Member of the Board of the Research and Innovation Foundation of Cyprus. His research interest focuses in Data Management. He has co-authored 6 monographs and 10 textbooks (in Greek), as well as >350 journal and conference papers. He has received >17500 citations from >2600 distinct academic institutions from >100 countries (h-index=60 according to Google Scholar, d-index=61 according to Research.com). He has also received 5 best paper awards from SIGMOD, ECML/PKDD, MEDES (2) and ISSPIT conferences. Currently, he serves in the Editorial Boards of the following journals (among others): Digital (Editor-in-Chief), The Computer Journal (Deputy Editor), Information Systems, World Wide Web, Expert Systems, Data Science & Analytics.

David Benavides
University of Seville, Spain
Speech Title: Data-intensive Product Lines: Embracing Past Results and New Variability Challenges
Prof. David Benavides received the B.S. degree in information systems from the Institute Superieur d’Electronique de Paris, France, in 2000, and the M.Sc. degree in computer engineering and the Ph.D. degree in software engineering from the University of Seville, Spain, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor with the University of Seville. He received the SPL Most Influential paper award in 2017 for his 2005 paper on feature model analysis that opened a new field of research. Also, Prof. Benavides received the most influential paper award at VaMoS 2020 for his paper about FaMa, a Java tool for feature model analysis that has been wildly used in academia and industry. In 2012, he served as PC chair at SPLC in Salvador, Brasil, and from 2018 to 2022 he served as SPLC Steering Committee Chair. He has been more than 20 years researching around software product lines and variability, both theoretically and practically. He is the head of the Diverso Lab at the University of Sevilla.
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